November 13, 2009
The lessons learned in this class were merely tools in which greater analysis could be done. Most would have used these tools to analyse the people and cultures around them, but I prefer to use them to analyse myself. And that, in my opinion is the greatest benefit that i've gotten back from this module.
In a previous blog entry, i concluded that my personality traits largely subscribes to feminism. However, upon deeper reflection, with respect to the topic of cross gender communications, i realised more often times i speak like a male instead. I speak to challenge others' views, i am assertive in communicating my own ideas, i use a lot of profanities and i interrupt to shut others up. Well at least this is how i behave when it comes to work or school. I've subconciously made use of male speech dominance to make myself heard. In my private life, however, i tend to speak more like a female. I don't see the need to put across my ideas as important as maintaining a harmonious relationship. Let me give an example
In a project discussion
A: I think your idea may not be very cost effective.
Me: What the hell, were you even listening? I thought i already told you i can get a discount for this component? dumbo..
In a family dinner
Me: Shall we order pork ribs too?
Sister: I'm going for all vegetarian today.
*I was already salivating at the thought of eating pork ribs, but still..*
Me: OK. Let's not get pork ribs then.
Even though i think this is mainly a display of different gender communication strategy in different situations, this could also be a resultant of other factors such as power distances, collectivist strategy, politeness strategy, etcetera. Its hard to pinpoint when we are supposed to display a certain kind of behaviour, or what kind of specific behaviour should be used to tackle a specific situation. It is usually a combination of different tools which makes up one strategy in any unique situation.
All in all, i had fun attending this module, even though some parts were quite dry and technical. It was certainly interesting to investigate on how others would respond to my failed humour too! Especially when part of me really wanted to see the respondents' irritated expressions :P
October 25, 2009
Week 8: Cultural System 2: Face and politeness
October 22, 2009
week 10: Cross gender interaction
October 15, 2009
Week 9: Computer Mediated Communication
October 1, 2009
Week 7: Communication systems 1: Components & representation
September 22, 2009
week 6: Written discourse
September 13, 2009
Week 5: Spoken Discourse
I have never given much thought to this subject and simply assumed most people would start off with a hello from both parties, whichever first is not important. Next, they will go straight into the topic and finally, end off with a 'bye' from each side. It never occured to me that the ringing tone is also considered part of the discourse. But what Dr Deng said made perfect sense to me. The ringing is actually a metaphor for an actual person calling out to another person. If there is no response from the intended recipient, the ringing would just go on and spoken conversation would not be able to start off! Brilliant!
Then, came the funny parts. How would you know that the other party is hinting for a closure? Or how do you even end the phone call? All sorts of tactics you can think of. Some would ask a family member to call them, so they can pretend to be busy. Some just wait for the 2 'OK' signal. Some even pretend to be profound and try to end off philosophical, with 'Hm.. ya that's life.'
As i'm listening to all this examples, i just naturally recalled all the different times when i had to apply these different 'techniques'. It was simply hilarious! My favourite is the philosophical one. The next time someone tries to complain to me over the phone, I'd just repeat 'ya that's life' until he/she gets annoyed and stop complaining. Hahahah..
Towards the end, I learned about some key differences in Chinese and English written discourse. Never mind about who likes to include what kind of description in their paragraphs, the conclusion spelled out what i've always been trying to identity between these two style of writing, but could never really point a finger on. Chinese writers ALWAYS expect you to understand what they are writing about. If you don't, they assume you're too shallow. This pretty much sums up my life learning higher chinese back in my secondary school days. Some of the passages are so difficult to understand, i take 3 hours just to finish reading one page. Yet, I never risked telling my classmates, who are obviously more language inclined, in fear that they will judge me.
English language, on the other hand, depends a lot on the writer to convey messages clearly. Thus, if there is anything that is too hard to comprehend, my teacher would just brush it off as a badly written passage with correct grammer, but poor expression. Now that i am a part time tutor, i find myself unconsciously saying the same things to my tutee as well. Clear expression is always very much appreciated.
To end off, i have a tip for anyone who wants to identify an old person. Whether you would like to offer a seat to them or address them respectfully as aunties/uncles, please look out for their white hair to be certain. Yes, you wouldn't want to risk having your char kway teow LADY add extra chillies to your meal by addressing them too respectfully, or get punched in the face while trying to do a good deed. Don't say you were not warned.
September 3, 2009
week 4: Speech Events
If this could be done, I would observe how differently people buy things, all over the world. Aha! Best way to find out bargaining techniques in every country. What else.. Things people would say or do during social, business gatherings, when they engage in small talk, see a doctor.. I would love to know them all!
The 10 different components of a speech event helped in breaking down each one of these. The 10 components are namely, genre, topic, purpose, setting, key, participants, message form, act sequences, rules of interaction and norms of interpretations. Sound complicated? Not so after each component is looked into.
Here's an example. I met with my girlfriends on sunday for some icecream and chat.
1) Genre: Gathering
2) Topic: School life, latest gossips about old classmates
3) Purpose: Catch up with each other and engage in mindless chats
4) Setting: McDonalds' Restaurant
5) Key: Casual
6) Participants: JC friends
7) Message form: Verbal (English and Chinese) - chats, laughter. Non-verbal - exaggerating gestures, tearing from excessive laughter, smiles
8) Act Sequence: (typical gossip scene)
A: I saw *** in the canteen that day. She was wearing a spaghetti top revealing her fatty arms and eating Ba Chor Mee (Minced meat noodle.)
The rest: Oh my goodness! So obscene.
A: Yeah. I think maybe next time she could offer some of her own flesh for the uncle to make the minced meat. Then she may be able to lunch for free!
The rest: *Choking from the ice cream*
9) Rules for Interaction: Listen when someone is sharing. Anyone who disagrees with the gossip is considered a retard.
10) Norms of Interpretation: People in this group gossip for leisure and do not take their conversations very seriously. These girls have known each other for 4years by now and can chat about almost anything.
There you go. A typical all girls outing.
Most people who do a case study on this speech event with components 1 to 9 would conclude that this group of girls are brainless and superficial. This is when component 10 would come in to enlighten these sanctimonious people.
Its a situation very similar to the 'lip service' phenomenon mentioned in class. Most of the time people don't actually mean what they say and this can create a lot of confusion. This is especially prevalent in the chinese community. People ask whether if you have eaten when they actually don't wish to know. They use self-effacing words while receiving praise, when they are actually beaming inside. All these add on to the difficulty in understanding the chinese people.
So now, chinese people are complex. Girls' way of thinking is hard to grasp. So chinese girls are the hardest to comprehend. Now I know exactly how to answer anyone who asks me to explain myself. "The complexity of my speech is unfathomable for an imbecile like you. I would explain in the amateur version, for a fee. :)"
August 28, 2009
Week 3: Speech Acts
How powerful these words are indeed. The next time I use a speech act, it certainly makes me ponder about its ramifications.
Moving on, the next discussion in lecture was about complements. This is a topic that really got me interested. I've long ago heard of campaigns which encourage people to be more generous with their complements. And so, over the years, I've learned to behave in this manner. What I've not heard of, are campaigns asking people to ask for complements they think they deserve! Laura Trice certainly added a new dimension of interest to this topic. Immediately, I got myself busy thinking about what complements I deserve. A great sister, great daughter, friend.. and so much more. Just how many complements on earth do these people owe me?? So the night i got home, I immediately demanded one from my mum =P
Besides analyzing the complements, we also discussed about the ways people reply to complements. I definitely didn't know of so many! Accepting, Returning, Delfecting, Rejecting, Thanking and Denigrating. And I found myself using deflecting most of the time. Probably because I've learned to accept complements, shedding the 'self-effacing' culture of the east. At the same time, I want people around me to share the goodness too. Be it the cheapest bargains in town, or the best handwritten notes i got from a senior. If i have the good things, i want people I love benefit from them as well.
Lastly, the fact that what people give complements on are what they regard as important in life, as presented by Mr Deng, is the thing which strikes me the most. Almost every other day in my life of being a ME (Mechanical Engineering) student, my friends give complements on aesthetics freely. "Hey you brought a nice new bag today!" "Wah today put make up, very nice!" "Eh your hair so smooth recently, did you change your brand of shampoo?" These words ring a millions bells by now. And hey I don't mean i'm the only person on the receiving end. For some reason, from what i observe, ME students love the pretty things in life. I can still recall back in year one, while doing a tutorial, a friend suddenly took out a laptop and said, "Wah tutorial very sian(boring), lets surf facebook and see some pretty people." I was utterly stunned then. But for the next hour, a group of 7 to 8 people just hovered in front of a computer looking at photos of beautiful people and comparing whose friends are prettier. That remained a favourite pastime of many ME friends till now.
So now i guess i have established that ME people focus a lot on image. But then again, this is not exactly the best-dressed faculty. So how come there are still so many complements circulating around? I guess its because it is precisely that people do not normally have the time to dress well (engineers are very busy people), they actually desire to be able to. And so, one way to express this desire is to notice people who do dress well and complement them. In most cases, speech acts come into play here with just enough words to express envy, yet hide their jealousy. Complementing became a channel for expression of own desire, instead of genuine praise.
And now, to conclude my entry, I shall give a suggestion to those who badly need a complement. Dress well, make more ME friends, and everyday will be a sunshiny day.